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School Personnel

Superintendent None listed...
Athletic Administrator None listed...
Treasurer None listed...
Board Members None listed...
Principal Stokes, Kat 702-804-4419
Assistant Principal None listed...
Principal's Secretary Smith, Hannah 702-804-4400
Athletic Director
Officially: Athletic Director / Head Coach
Fisher, Amy 702-804-4400x192
Athletic Secretaries Cohen, Heidi 702-804-4425
Athletic Trainer Ratanakul, Kiana 702-804-4425


Sport Head Coach(es)
HS Fall Boys Cross Country Jeff Edwards
HS Fall Football Donald Pearson
Michael Sanford
HS Fall Boys Soccer Cameron Merrill
HS Fall Boys Tennis Keith Fridrich
HS Fall Girls Cross Country Jeff Edwards
HS Fall Girls Golf Cy Frederick
HS Fall Girls Soccer Carl Cort
HS Fall Spirit Taylor Tonniges
HS Fall Girls Tennis Keith Fridrich
Rachel Young
HS Fall Girls Volleyball Amy Fisher
Kylee Schraft
HS Winter Boys Basketball Ernie Rama
HS Winter Boys Wrestling Rayes Gonzales
HS Winter Girls Basketball Jennifer Karner
Angel Walsh
HS Winter Girls Flag Football Rodney Detommaso
HS Winter Spirit Taylor Tonniges
Heather Bormann
Caitlin Egger
Rylee Hoffmann
HS Spring Baseball David Anderson
Rayes Gonzales
HS Spring Boys Golf Mark Cheney
HS Spring Boys Swimming & Diving Stephen Blank
HS Spring Boys Track & Field Michael Guido
Abbie Fox
Christian Egger
Jeff Edwards
Joshua Tonniges
Douglas Garner
Cedric Williams
HS Spring Softball Rodney Detommaso
Kelli Ongman
HS Spring Girls Swimming & Diving Stephen Blank
HS Spring Girls Track & Field Abbie Fox
Jeff Edwards
Joshua Tonniges


Activity Head Advisor(s)