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Lake Mead Christian Academy LMCA

Non-public K12 School, PPPK-12th

Contact Info

Athletic Website
Athletic Phone
Athletic Email
Convenience Links
MaxPreps Google NCES

School Personnel

Superintendent None listed...
Athletic Administrator None listed...
Treasurer None listed...
Board Members None listed...
Principal None listed...
Assistant Principal None listed...
Principal's Secretary None listed...
Athletic Director
Officially: Athletic Director / Head Coach
Schroeder, Jay --
Athletic Secretaries None listed...
Athletic Trainer None listed...


Sport Head Coach(es)
HS Fall Boys Cross Country Floyd Gipson
HS Fall Football Sean Perkins
Jay Schroeder
Mike Cherhoniak
Jeff Vanhorne
Charles Trim
HS Fall Boys Tennis Billy Combs
HS Fall Girls Cross Country Floyd Gipson
Jeff Newton
HS Fall Spirit Emily Frye
Treasure Dixon
Shannon Bendrick
Renee McKinley
HS Fall Girls Volleyball Kristen Davis
Jenna Mullins
Alexis Cockrell
Megan Young
HS Winter Boys Basketball Dan Mullins
George Peters
Matt Cummins
Jerome Alexander
David Hart
HS Winter Boys Wrestling Mike Cherhoniak
Toni May
Benson Harper
HS Winter Girls Basketball Molly Rasmussen
Shaleea Butler
HS Winter Spirit Shannon Bendrick
HS Spring Baseball Gary Desch
HS Spring Boys Golf Benjamin Blakeley
Elias Blakeley
HS Spring Boys Track & Field Jeff Newton
HS Spring Softball January Melendez
Cary Baker
HS Spring Girls Track & Field Jeff Newton
Tyrone Brown


Activity Head Advisor(s)