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Sierra Lutheran High School Falcons

Non-public High School, 9th-12th

General Info

Athletic Info

Contact Info

School Website
School Phone
School Email
3601 Romans Rd
Carson City, NV 89705
Athletic Website
Athletic Phone
Athletic Email
Convenience Links
MaxPreps Google NCES

School Personnel

Superintendent None listed...
Athletic Administrator None listed...
Treasurer None listed...
Board Members None listed...
Principal None listed...
Assistant Principal None listed...
Principal's Secretary None listed...
Athletic Director Cornell, Tracey 775-267-1921x106
Athletic Director
Officially: Athletic Director / Head Coach
McHenry, Billy 775-267-1921
Athletic Secretaries Cornell, Tracey 775-267-1921
Athletic Trainer None listed...


Sport Head Coach(es)
Fall Boys Cross Country Robin Williams
Fall Football Shane Thomas
Fall Girls Cross Country Robin Williams
Fall Girls Golf Charlie Berger
Fall Spirit Rhiannon Latragna
Fall Girls Volleyball Dawn Smith Hammer
Winter Boys Alpine Skiing Billy McHenry
Winter Boys Basketball Nick Halen
Eric Schinzing
Winter Girls Alpine Skiing Billy McHenry
Winter Girls Basketball Dawn Smith Hammer
Charlie Berger
Winter Spirit Rhiannon Latragna
Spring Baseball Bob Gagen
Spring Boys Golf Charlie Berger
Spring Boys Track & Field Robin Williams
Taylor Davison
Hannah Krenz
Spring Girls Track & Field Robin Williams
Hannah Krenz


Activity Head Advisor(s)