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School Personnel

Superintendent None listed...
Athletic Administrator
Officially: Athletic Administrator / Athletic Trainer
Jacobs, Kim 702-797-5936
Athletic Administrator
Officially: Athletic Director
Towe, Phillip 702-817-1334
Treasurer None listed...
Board Members None listed...
Principal Larson, Dana 702-254-1610x5889
Assistant Principal None listed...
Principal's Secretary None listed...
Athletic Director Towe, Phillip 702-817-1334
Athletic Secretaries
Officially: Athletic Secretary / Head Coach
Eldridge, Ashley --
Athletic Trainer
Officially: Athletic Administrator / Athletic Trainer
Jacobs, Kim 702-797-5936


Sport Head Coach(es)
HS Fall Boys Cross Country Charles Bernick
HS Fall Football Jack Concannon
Kenneth Gray
Jordan Caires
Gary Hannig
HS Fall Boys Soccer Marco Gonzalez
Julio Borjas
HS Fall Boys Tennis Sean Amberg
HS Fall Girls Cross Country Charles Bernick
HS Fall Girls Golf Andrew Zimmerman
Tony Emma
HS Fall Girls Soccer Julio Borjas
HS Fall Spirit Stacie Michaels
HS Fall Girls Tennis Ainsley Osawa
Sean Amberg
HS Fall Girls Volleyball Ray Fafard
HS Winter Boys Basketball Gary Hannig
Marquis Nelson
HS Winter Boys Bowling Zach Vance
Charisse Welsing
HS Winter Boys Wrestling Napoleon Aniciete
HS Winter Girls Basketball Jaleesa Ross
HS Winter Girls Bowling Zach Vance
HS Winter Spirit Stacie Michaels
HS Spring Baseball Andy Concepcion
HS Spring Boys Golf Tony Emma
HS Spring Boys Track & Field Bryan Astudillo
Pius Lynch
Amani Parker
HS Spring Boys Volleyball Brittany Munson
Brittany Munson
HS Spring Softball Ashley Eldridge
HS Spring Girls Track & Field Bryan Astudillo


Activity Head Advisor(s)