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Dayton High School Dust Devils

Public High School, 9th-12th in Lyon School District

School Personnel

Principal Bumgardner, Julie 775-246-6240
Assistant Principal Palmer, David --
Principal's Secretary Chapman, Michelle --
Athletic Administrator
Officially: Athletic Administrator / Athletic Director
Lotito, Stephanie 775-246-6240
Athletic Director
Officially: Athletic Administrator / Athletic Director
Lotito, Stephanie --
Athletic Secretaries Kemp, Nichole 775-246-6240
Athletic Trainer None listed...

District Personnel

Superintendent Workman, Wayne 775-463-6800
District Athletic Director None listed...
Treasurer None listed...
Board Members None listed...


Sport Head Coach(es)
Fall Boys Cross Country Rachel Helgerson
Fall Football Terrence Spann
Fall Boys Soccer Bryan Parsons
Fall Girls Cross Country Rachel Helgerson
Fall Girls Golf KC Allander
Fall Girls Soccer Cameron Childers
Fall Spirit
Fall Girls Volleyball Alyse Fletcher
Winter Boys Basketball Jason Santos
Winter Boys Wrestling Bryan Parsons
Winter Girls Basketball Will McGrew
Spring Baseball Vincent Garcia
Jeremy Kinney
Spring Boys Golf KC Allander
Spring Boys Track & Field Jared Miklich
Spring Softball Aspen Childers
Spring Girls Track & Field Kelly Frantz


Activity Head Advisor(s)