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Fernley High School Vaqueros

Public High School, 9th-12th in Lyon School District

School Personnel

Principal None listed...
Assistant Principal None listed...
Principal's Secretary None listed...
Athletic Administrator Sullivan, Paul 775-575-3400x60108
Athletic Director None listed...
Athletic Secretaries Baril, Terry 775-575-3400
Athletic Trainer None listed...

District Personnel

Superintendent Workman, Wayne 775-463-6800
District Athletic Director None listed...
Treasurer None listed...
Board Members None listed...


Sport Head Coach(es)
Fall Boys Cross Country Kristian Slater
Fall Football Jake McCullar
Anfernee Sloan
Berton Paulsen
Fall Boys Soccer Allen Villa
Matthew Gallagher
Fall Girls Cross Country Kristian Slater
Fall Girls Golf
Fall Girls Soccer Tammi Valentine
Fall Spirit Erika Rasche
Erin Dunagan
Fall Girls Volleyball Zachary Wilhelm
Winter Boys Basketball Cade Knutson
Winter Boys Wrestling
Winter Girls Basketball Ralph Dunn
Spring Baseball Stan Pryor
Jake McCullar
Spring Boys Golf Cade Knutson
Spring Boys Swimming & Diving Matt Adamson
Spring Boys Track & Field Londeen Mccovery
Kristian Slater
Humberto Serrano
Spring Softball Diane Chapin
Spring Girls Track & Field Todd Wright


Activity Head Advisor(s)