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School Personnel

Principal Cahill, Tierney --
Assistant Principal None listed...
Principal's Secretary Jackson, Val 775-832-4260
Athletic Administrator Harrison, Bill 775-337-7579
Athletic Director Banghart, Samuel --
Athletic Secretaries
Officially: Assistant Coach / Athletic Secretary
Fragoso, Arturo --
Athletic Trainer None listed...

District Personnel

Superintendent None listed...
District Athletic Director
Officially: Activities & Athletics Coordinator
Stallworth II, Rollins 775-353-6918
Treasurer None listed...
Board Members None listed...


Sport Head Coach(es)
Fall Boys Cross Country Ross McMahan
Fall Football Brian Martinez
Cory Coombes
Robert Silva Rodriguez
Fall Boys Soccer Pedro Salazar
Fall Boys Tennis John Klein
Fall Girls Cross Country Paul Nolan
Fall Girls Golf Sam Canino
Fall Girls Soccer Jessica Lourdes Garcia
Fall Spirit Sara Coombes
Fall Girls Tennis Constance Marlin
John Klein
Fall Girls Volleyball Tacy Kelly
Winter Boys Basketball Tim Kelly
Winter Boys Alpine Skiing Gordon Meyer
Peter Hanson
Winter Boys Wrestling Cody Feliciano
Winter Girls Basketball Briana Barraza
Winter Girls Alpine Skiing Jason Green
Gordon Meyer
Peter Hanson
Spring Baseball
Spring Boys Golf Cory Coombes
Spring Boys Swimming & Diving Ken Reese
Spring Boys Track & Field Kris Nugent
Paul Nolan
Spring Softball Lisa Nelson
Spring Girls Swimming & Diving Meagan Ballew
Spring Girls Track & Field David Snearly
Ross McMahan
Kris Nugent


Activity Head Advisor(s)