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Spring Creek High School Spartans

Public High School, 9th-12th in Elko School District

School Personnel

Principal Pehrson, Wade --
Assistant Principal None listed...
Principal's Secretary None listed...
Athletic Administrator Bishop, Randy 775-753-5575
Athletic Director
Officially: Athletic Director / Head Coach
Gilligan, Scott 775-753-5575
Athletic Secretaries Niman, Karen --
Athletic Trainer None listed...

District Personnel

Superintendent None listed...
District Athletic Director None listed...
Treasurer None listed...
Board Members None listed...


Sport Head Coach(es)
Fall Boys Cross Country Todd Mahlke
Fall Football Hunter Thomsen
Scott Gilligan
Patrick Leedy
Fall Boys Soccer Forrest Knotts
Fall Girls Cross Country Todd Mahlke
Larissa Mahlke
Fall Girls Golf Kage Walker
AJ Estrada
Fall Girls Soccer Kami Crowe
Fall Girls Volleyball Arrayana Edwards
Winter Boys Basketball Kyle Owsley
Nate Holland
Mitchell Owsley
Ryan McCormick
Winter Boys Wrestling
Winter Girls Basketball Scott Gilligan
Arrayana Edwards
Spring Baseball AJ Estrada
Mitchell Owsley
Scott Gilligan
Spring Boys Golf Dan Mendez
Spring Boys Track & Field Jeff Binger
Spring Softball Sandi Moon
Spring Girls Track & Field Olivia Greeley


Activity Head Advisor(s)